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What is a Request?

A discrete piece of work that is submitted in a Stream.

Each Request has the following fields:

  • **Status**

    Requests have a status of either Open or Closed. - This field is named Complete in the field library.

  • **Subject**

    Requests have a Subject of no more than 140 characters. - This field is not editable in Slack.

  • **Requester**

    Requests have a Requester who submitted the Request. - This field is not editable in Slack.

  • **Assignee**

    Requests can have an Assignee who is a member of the relevant team. - This field is _optional _by default and can be removed from Request forms. - If this field is removed from the Request form, only team members will be able to make changes to it.

  • **Due date**

    Requests can have a Due date. - This field is _optional _by default and can be removed from Request forms. - If this field is removed from the Request form, only team members will be able to make changes to it.

These fields sync with their counterparts in any connected tools. Any other fields attached to a Request will be pushed to tools at submission, but are not editable in Slack.