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Draft messages

Draft messages allow you to save a message to any number of conversations.

ℹī¸ Conversations include:

  • Direct messages with other users
  • Multi-person direct messages (group messages)
  • Private channels
  • Public channels

To create a draft message:

  • Head to the Nightowl app home – make sure you are on the Home tab.
  • Navigate to the Draft Messages section and click 📃 New button.
  • Enter one or more conversations to BCC.

    When more than one conversation is selected, semicolons will be used as delimiters to display the recipients after the message is created.

    E.g. a message to separately selected DM recipients @Jack, @Jill, and @Jen will show asBCC: @Jack; @Jill; @Jen whereas selecting a group DM between you, @Jack, and @Jill in addition to a separately selected DM with @Jen will appear as BCC: @Jack, @Jill; @Jen.

  • Compose your message.
  • Optionally enable the insertion of recipient mentions.

    The variable {@} will be replaced with a user tag in IMs and @here in other conversations.

  • Select whether or not to show the recipient(s) that this message is from Nightowl.

    Default selection can be modified in App Settings****

  • Select whether or not to show previews of linked content in messages containing URLs.

    Default selection can be modified in App Settings****

  • Click Save to save the draft.

After creating a draft message, it can be deleted, modified, saved as a recipient group, or used to create a message of any type.

  • Click đŸ’Ŗ Delete to remove the draft message.
  • The following actions are available in the overflow (...) menu:
  • 🖋 Edit

    • Edit the conversations in the recipient group
  • đŸ“Ŧ Send now

    • Send the draft as BCC message and optionally delete the draft message

      The recipient(s) and message body can be edited

  • ⏱ Schedule message

    • Create a scheduled message from the draft and optionally delete the draft message

      The recipient(s) and message body can be edited

  • ⚙ Make recurring

    • Configure a recurring message from the draft and optionally delete the draft message

      The recipient(s) and message body can be edited

  • 📃 Create group

    • Create a recipient group from the draft and optionally delete the draft message

      The recipient(s) can be edited

ℹī¸ All Nightowl messages are sent from your user.

Recipients will not be able to tell that you did not send the message.